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Power + Edge

Add to your strengths

Power + Edge, our first online module, helps you harness your power and overcome your limits – and all just by writing a few things down and looking at them in a fresh way.

Everything is completely confidential, and you can find more instructions and examples at any point by clicking the 'help' button.

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Current Strengths
“Power” is not just about physical strength, it is a subset of the abilities and qualities developed throughout life. It can be as simple as ‘always being on time’ or as complex as being the person…
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Current Strengths

“Power” is not just about physical strength, it is a subset of the abilities and qualities developed throughout life. It can be as simple as ‘always being on time’ or as complex as being the person who remains calm in a crisis, or the ‘go-to’ person for answers about technology.

When faced with a challenge Power often works, so we use it more, and get even better at it. We become known for that ability, and others admire it in us.

  • Think about times where you've achieved more than you expected. What did you bring to these situations that made the difference? What did you contribute in your own unique way of doing things that others would have found difficult?
  • What positive feedback do you receive from others for how you act or approach things in the world? Why do they like having you around? What do you contribute to them? Which of your qualities make the biggest difference to them?
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Qualities You Admire In Others
When we notice strengths in others it is often either those which reflect our own, or those we aspire to. We see these in close friends, acquaintances, or even famous people and fictional characters…
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Qualities You Admire In Others

When we notice strengths in others it is often either those which reflect our own, or those we aspire to. We see these in close friends, acquaintances, or even famous people and fictional characters who have made a strong impression.

It can be easier to see Powers in others, rather than in ourselves.

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Power Statement
There are three things to do with Strengths... 1. Strengths you listed for yourself and others are included here. Looking across all the comments try to identify a shared or important theme and…
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Power Statement

There are three things to do with Strengths...

1. Strengths you listed for yourself and others are included here.

Looking across all the comments try to identify a shared or important theme and create a phrase that articulates your Power. This is no time to be modest – make a bold statement.

  • For example: “I am good at summarising people’s thoughts in a way that makes things clear for them”

2. This Power should be celebrated, however it is unlikely to work in every circumstance. Consider a situation that didn’t go well – was this a case of over-using your Power, or using it in the wrong place or at the wrong time?

You can repeat the “yes but...” exercise as many times as you like, then list the three most relevant things.

  • “yes but... sometimes I need to listen more”

The “yes but” exploration of our Power begins to reveal our Edge, and helps us discover where we may be over-using our Power.

3. Work with the “yes but” ideas to create a second part to your Power statement which summarises what you have said as if you have already mastered this Power, so that you can affirm what showing those qualities feels like and sounds like.

  • “I am good at summarising people’s thoughts in a way that makes things clear for them, and I know when to talk and when to listen”
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Current Limitations
Power is often intuitive and can determine our response regardless of the circumstance. When the world changes around us it is not always the best approach. At the edge of what we already know there…
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Current Limitations

Power is often intuitive and can determine our response regardless of the circumstance. When the world changes around us it is not always the best approach. At the edge of what we already know there is often a good alternative which is more effective in the new circumstance.

Edges are often areas we are curious about, requests from others, or suggestions for our development.

  • What are the things you wished you could do better, or do more easily? Are there times when you rely on your existing Power, when something else that you do not yet know would have helped more?
  • What negative feedback do you receive from others? What do they need from you to contribute that you aren't always able to deliver? What would make the biggest difference to them?
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Edge Statement
There are three things to do with Limitations... 1. Improvements you listed for yourself and others are included here. Looking across all the comments try to identify a shared or important theme and…
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Edge Statement

There are three things to do with Limitations...

1. Improvements you listed for yourself and others are included here.

Looking across all the comments try to identify a shared or important theme and create a phrase that communicates your Edge to others. Write this statement as if it is already a Power, a positive rather than something that we need to fix.

  • For example: “I lack self confidence” becomes “I am confident about my knowledge and abilities”

2. There are situations where using the Edge is not the right choice. As you did with the Power, test the Edge by exploring when this might not be effective.

  • “yes but… my experience is limited”

3. Work with the “yes but” ideas to create a second part to your Edge statement which summarises what you have said and helps to overcome its limits.

  • “I am confident about my knowledge and abilities, and have an experienced network of colleagues and mentors”

Some more examples:

  • I am energetic - yes but… others sometimes need space to reflect - and I know when to step back
  • I am quiet and thoughtful - yes but… people don’t understand me - and I share my reflections
  • I get into action - yes but… I don’t always take others with me - and I check in before acting
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Putting this into practice
Now you have identified and articulated your Power and Edge, try this thought experiment: Think of something that went well recently - was this an example of using your Power?Now think of something…
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Putting this into practice

Now you have identified and articulated your Power and Edge, try this thought experiment:

  • Think of something that went well recently - was this an example of using your Power?
  • Now think of something that didn't go so well - could this have been an over-use of your Power?
  • In either of these circumstances, what would have happened if you had used your Edge?

Identify some low-risk situations where you can set your Power aside and try your Edge; learning how to be effective in a world that has moved on.

Being aware of your default response (Power) makes it possible to choose to respond differently. The Edge is often very near the surface and easy to access. By using it you incorporate it into your Power, and it becomes part of you.

And then, inevitably, the world moves on again but this time you are better prepared.

It can help to let others know about your Edge. If you use your Power in situations where your Edge might be a better choice, they can point that out. As long as their commitment is to help and support you, then it is easy to hear their message.

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Current Strengths

What do you consider to be your greatest strengths?

These are the things which contribute most to your successes. Write three of these in the boxes below.

Your results!

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Current Strengths

What do others most admire about you?

What abilities or qualities of yours do they most value? Write three of these in the boxes below.

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Qualities You Admire In Others

Think of people who have skills, abilities or qualities that would be effective for you as the world moves on.

Write these qualities in the boxes below.

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Qualities You Admire In Others

For each of these qualities, why do you think you notice them? Are these things that you recognise in yourself, or things that you aspire to?

Your results!

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Power Statement

Review the strengths you identified in yourself, and the qualities you share with others.

I think of these as my greatest strengths:

Other people value these things in me:

${index2 + 1}. ${questionItem}

I notice these things in other people, because they reflect my own abilities:


Reading across all of these words and phrases, does a dominant theme emerge? Take this idea and use it to describe your Power, no more than 10-15 words long, where you could say “I am…”

Your results!

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Power Statement

One of the reasons things don’t always go well for us is because the situation we are facing demands other types of skills than those we are bringing to it. Think of some circumstances where your Power alone may not be enough.

Say your Power statement out loud to yourself or to someone else, and then say "Yes, but…" and capture what shows up. List the three most relevant things in the boxes below.

Your results!

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Power Statement

Is there a consistent theme or idea emerging in these ideas? Take that theme, and add a second part to your Power statement that will help you to use it more effectively.

Your results!

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Current Limitations

What are your limitations, the things which are holding you back?

These are the things which slow you down or make you less effective than you might be. Write three of these in the boxes below.

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Current Limitations

What would others say are your priorities for improvement?

What abilities or qualities do they feel you could benefit from developing? Write three of these in the boxes below.

Your results!

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Edge Statement

Review the potential improvements that you have identified.

I think of these as my biggest limitations:

Other people say these are my biggest priorities for improvement:

${index2 + 1}. ${questionItem}

I notice these things in other people, because I aspire to be more like this:


Use this to create a Edge statement, no more than 10-15 words long. When you write this, expressing it as if you already have this skill or ability, rather than as something you need to fix, can encourage and empower you to put it into practice.

Your results!

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Edge Statement

These feel like the right things to learn that will make a difference, but they also have constraints. Thinking of events where these newly acquired qualities might not be quite enough, how would you describe these constraints?

Read your Edge statement out, and then say "Yes, but…" Do this a few times to discover different constraints to your Edge.

Your results!

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Edge Statement

Is there a theme emerging in these constraints? Take that theme, and create a second part for your Edge statement.

Your results!

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Putting this into practice

Power Edge

Your Power


Your Edge


Your Power

This is your existing Power, keep using it where it works


These are thoughts on improving the use of your Power

Your Edge

This is your Learning Edge (stated in the positive)


These are thoughts on how to be effective in using your Edge

Understanding and using your results

Start noticing when you’re using your Power and start thinking about what using your Edge would look like.

You have described your Edge as if it is a new Power. You can learn to use this through practice, as and when you choose. If it’s not a high stakes situation, try the Edge and see what happens.

Over time you’ll find you have a new tool in your ‘toolbox’ that you can choose to use when the circumstances are right.

The process of discovering a new Power is by listening to what your sub-conscious is telling you about the tools you have available in the toolbox and how well aligned (or otherwise) they are with the circumstance you now face.

When things change, it’s important to recognise what works – your powers from the past, or whether something new is required – you should choose what will make you successful!

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